Bloedel Reserve, Bainbridge Island, WA

Have you heard about Bloedel Reserve on Bainbridge Island? It is across Sound from Seattle, about a 45 minute drive from our house over the Agate Pass Bridge. It was not until seeing an ad for “the premier plant sale” and a sunny break on Saturday morning did I consider checking out this garden and sale. I heard that there are no roses in the garden but lots of other great plants. It is a gem on the island.

Nice color but unlabeled plant.

Nice color but unlabeled plant.

Path to the Japanese Garden

Path to the Japanese Garden

Japanese Garden

Japanese Garden









Japanese Garden

Japanese Garden



Walk to the mansion and plant sale on the grounds of Bloedel Reserve.

Walk to the mansion and plant sale on the grounds of Bloedel Reserve.


I am like a tourist in my new homeland. The local garden club has introduced me to kindred spirits who love the things I do and one thing I love is unique plants. The Pacific Rim Bonsai Collection is within the Weyerhauser Botanical Garden in Federal Way, WA. The collection is displayed, 60 trees at a time in a beautiful outdoor setting. I have never seen so many bonsai in one place!











Mums from the beginning

I really enjoyed my mums last fall and I was told to take cuttings this month to have more of the same mums next fall. Apparently the plants from last fall will not produce very well unless cuttings are rooted and new plants started.

There are several ways to get the cuttings to root. I chose Hormex rooting hormone and perilite.


After 3-4 weeks the rooted cuttings go into 4 inch pots with potting mix. The after 4 more weeks I will look for roots coming out of the bottom so I know it is time to go to a larger pot. This potting up continues until July 4th when they should be in a final pot for growing and flowering.


Click on the mums or Chrysanthemums in my word cloud to the right to see the mums blooming last fall.

I am a plant collector

I have two parts to my Western WA rose garden: miniature and mini flora roses where I have 3 or 4 copies of my favorite varieties, for exhibiting and flower arranging and the part I call my plant collection. The collection includes unique plants, favorite plants or plants that just would now have grown in Minnesota, my home of 26 years. This gallery shows some of my collection of plants.

'Polka' a climbing rose

‘Polka’ a climbing rose

Grandiflora rose

Grandiflora rose

Hybrid hulthemia and floribunda cross, by Jim Sproul

Hybrid hulthemia and floribunda cross, by Jim Sproul

'Dorothy Rose' is a single, miniature climber.

‘Dorothy Rose’ is a single, miniature climber.

Decorative form miniature

Decorative form miniature

Hybrid Tea rose

Hybrid Tea rose

Shrub rose

Shrub rose

Hybrid Tea, 1925

Hybrid Tea, 1925


'La France' in bud. The first Hybrid Tea rose in 1867

‘La France’ in bud. The first Hybrid Tea rose in 1867